Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Project 2 Option 2 Angels in America

1. The stage production before it moved to Bway (Pre-93 Review)
"As weird as it all sounds, the play flows together in a fantastic panorama that melds social satire, melodrama, soap opera, high camp and medieval mystery plays. But it also handles sensitive, intangible issues with great precision, clarity and courage."

In this article, David Patrick Stearns speaks for Angels in America from San Francisco California in July of 1991 in his article "Playwright scales to dramatic height." He says that Tony Kushner’s scripts shake theatres more intensely than the seismic earth quakes they often experience. Although he starts his article off with a slightly negative tone, as he begins to describe the story line, his tone eases and his true feelings about the production are revealed. He is very in sync with the ideas Kushner is trying to convey. He understands the script in it entirety and best of all, he lets his readers know that he appreciates the text and the play very deeply. This is a great article because it is the beginning of a long stretch of good things to come for Kushner and his play Angels in America.

2. Original Bway Production (Original Broadway Review)
"Though spectacular, the puzzling finale, which portends the spiritual revolution of Part 2, is the only drawback in an evening of theater supremely inspired on all levels, from writing to acting to Robin Wagner's elegant set design."

After reading David Patrick Stearns article about Angels pre Broadway review, I wanted to read more of what he had to say. After searching his work, I think he has enough articles on Angels to complete this entire assignment. In this article his main goal is to keep readers informed of what exactly is going on with this epic producction. He remains excited about the play's future. He even says that it is a "spiritual survival kit for the 21st century."

3. Non NYC based professional production (Non NYC Review)
"This Pulitzer Prize-winner, which explores survival, faith and what makes us human... Hilarious and profound, it is a vivid dissection of relationships, gay and straight, and has been hailed as one of the defining works of 20th century drama."

This article written in Glasgow informs people of a spectacular new (new to its region) play that they must see this week. The reporter is obviously stricken by Angels in America and its future runs. The best part of this article is that he educates his readers on exactly what the play's substance entails.

4. College Production (University Review)
"Angels in America is a well-written, often lyrical work of sharply etched scenes of personal revelation and conflict, intertwined with humorous yet pertinent dreams and hallucinations."

In this article, Douglas J. Keating the Theatre Critic for the Philadelphia Post reviews a production of Angels in America done at Villanova University. He did not have very much faith in the actors who were grad students at the university, nor did he grasp the ideas Kushner gave for the set design in the script. Although he had these views, I have to say that this may be the best and most informative review I have found for this assignment. He says that the play gives a 'dark view of the Reagan era,' but it also has qualities that everyone can enjoy.

5. 2003 Fim Version (HBO Mini-Series Review)
"Mr. Kushner is concerned with love, dying from AIDS, hypocrisy and power. The latter three components are all concentrated in the persona of a highly imaginative and prejudiced view of the late Roy M. Cohn, Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy's loyal committee counsel, excoriated as perhaps the most evil, wicked man perhaps in history. Lenin? Hitler? Stalin? Mr. Kushner knows whom he wants to hate."

Action packed and to the point, this article is dripping with caddy jabs. Ms. Cynthia Grenier of the Washington Times says that the Angels mini- series is almost worth seeing. She is very positive about the actor's performances but at the beginning of the article and again at the end she affirms an almost distaste for Kushner and his work.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Project 1 Professional

Project #1: Professional: Alley Theatre
1. Cyrano de Bergerac, An Heroic Comedy
By Edmond Rostand



2. Secret Order
By Bob Clyman

“Stimulating Drama”

“conflict between science and religion”

3. A Christmas Carol – A Ghost Story of Christmas
By Charles Dickens

4. The Santaland Diaries
By David Sedaris

"Christmas Humor"

"One-man, One-act"

5. Mrs. Warren’s Profession
By Bernard Shaw

6. Eurydice
By Sarah Ruhl

7. The Man Who Came to Dinner
By Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman

8. Mauritius
By Theresa Rebeck

9. Rock ‛n’ Roll
By Tom Stoppard

10. The Farnsworth Invention
By Aaron Sorkin